Fam and Friends!
Wow, is it really already December again!!? It hit me so hard as I was sitting in the Christmas Devotional last Sunday night just how fast the time is running! I thought back to last year's Christmas Devotional and watching it at the Wilk, and I really can't believe how fast a year went! I legitimately blinked and that year was over. Now, I sit here in the Mission Offices and as much as I dread it, I know that this next year is going to be even faster as that is just how time seems to work nowadays. But we had another really sick week, not even gonna lie. Sounds like all the fam did as well. Momma I would love to see pics from Ryan's games and hear how he did in each one. I hope his wrist is ok, and I'm sure it will be.
So this week has been super crazy! La Familia Cruz de Santiago is progressing incredibly well, Ricarda (the mom) and Pascaul (the pops) have their baptismal interviews tonight at 5 and they will be baptized next week which is really exciting! Cristian, their 28 year old son and Jose their 17 year old son, we are gonna wait a little while with both of them so that they can be a little bit more prepared, but they are both still progressing really well and obeying the commandments, especially the Word of Wisdom. Also this week we started Zone Conferences and so Elder Mesa, President and Hermana Jordan and I jump in the Mission Mini Van (that's not even a joke #classsicstereotype) and headed out to 3 states, 4 cities, and 4 conferences, all in 4 days. There has been a lot of training needed in this transfer because of the really radical changes that we made to the mission (and every mission in Mexico for that matter) at the beginning of this transfer. Elder Mesa, President, and I have given those trainings together and it has been a really good experience doing it. I really like teaching and talking in front of people and I've learned a ton doing it and I feel like I'm getting better at doing it every time. It's fun teaching with Elder Mesa because he is this big Columbian man with a booming voice and and even more booming laugh, haha. But yeah, we headed to Huejutla, Hidalgo first, then up to Ciudad Valles, San Luis Potosi, then to a little pueblo called Mante that's in Tamaulipas, and then to finish it up back to Ciudad VICTORIA! I seriously love Ciudad Victoria, it is the promised land of the mission, no doubt. It made for a really fun week. President and Sister Jordan are really good road trip people, they have to be seeing as they do that whole circuit pretty often. It's fun to be able to go to all the Zones and see the different parts of the mission and especially all my mission friends. I love seeing Elder Parry, Elder Grill, Elder Castro, and Elder Garry a ton.
Yeah, so the stressful part is managing your own area when you're not really there that much, but the Lord has really blessed us in that aspect. Elder Mesa and I have 100% converted ourselves to the whole, Work with the Members doctrine. In this whole transfer we haven't had a single lesson without a member coming with us. Our ward has really been a great support to us as well.
I wish I could lie to you all and say the the food in the USA is better and that I'm really missing it, but I can't, the food in Mexico is incredible. Also I am 100% accustomed to eating really really hot salsa on everything, which is going to be a hard habit to break when I get home, haha.
As far as phone calls for Christmas, President Jordan has changed the game a little bit with that. We can now use Skype!!! I am planning on a Christmas day Skype call but I don't really know the hour or anything like that. But yeah, plan on that! Pretty sick huh?
Imma send some photos from our P Day activity that we did last Saturday, we went to the Laguna Carpintera in Tampico, which is a really famous tourist place here that is really pretty. It was a lot of fun and I took a ton of sick photos.
I do miss you all family and friends... but not that much. I love what I'm doing, I'm getting better at it everyday. I'm learning things I couldn't learn anywhere else or in any other situation. Most importantly, I'm where I'm supposed to be, doing what God has called me to do. When it's over I'm gonna miss it so, so much. I love you all so much. The more missionaries I meet and get to know, I realize just how blessed I am to come from the family and life that I do. I have been so, so blessed and I try and work every single day and every single moment in a way that shows my gratitude for that. Know that all is well here in Tampico! I know all is well in Fallon. Travis, remember that everything happens for a reason. I guarantee you that many times throughout your mission you will realize and come to know just what those reasons are. Alyssa, I know that you'll do great in the Nutcracker and even if you didn't I wouldn't know how to tell and neither will Dad, Brandon or Ryan haha. I love you all so much. #143 #GMC$ #SpecialK(Respect, still the Great One) #JakeHeaps
Elder Stockard
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